Core Java
Core Java is a powerful and widely used programming language that can be used to create a variety of applications. It is an object-oriented language and includes features such as garbage collection and automatic memory management. In this guide, we will introduce you to the basics of Core Java, explain the benefits of learning it, and provide some tips to get started. Core Java is a language with a wide range of applications. It is used to create everything from enterprise applications to web-based applications, mobile apps, and more. It is also a language that is easy to learn and use, making it an ideal choice for beginners. Core Java consists of two parts: the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the Java Development Kit (JDK). The JVM is responsible for running Java programs, while the JDK provides the tools necessary to create and compile Java programs. In order to use Core Java, you must first install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the JDK. The JRE is responsible for running Java programs, while the JDK provides the tools necessary to create and compile Java programs. Once you have installed the JRE and the JDK, you can start learning Core Java. There are many online resources available to help you learn, such as tutorials, blogs, and books. Additionally, there are many online communities dedicated to helping beginners learn and use Core Java. Learning Core Java can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only will it open up a variety of career opportunities, but it will also give you the skills necessary to create powerful and robust applications. So, if you’re ready to get started, start by downloading the JRE and the JDK and begin learning Core Java today!
About Courses
Core Java is the part of Java programming language that is used for creating or developing a general-purpose application. … To develop general purpose applications. To develop online application and mobile application. Without Core Java no one can develop any advanced java applications.

Eligible Criteria
Any Degree holder (B.Sc/BCS/B.E/B.Tech/M.E/ M.Tech/MCA.M.Sc…)
Total hours: 120 Hrs
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Course Syllabus
Course Syllabus - java
Refer Core Java training for syllabus
Part II: Advanced Java
Refer Advanced Java section for syllabus
Part III: Java Full Stack
Section 1: Hibernate
- Hibernate Introduction
- Hibernate Basics
- Hibernate Architecture
- Hibernate Session
- Hibernate SessionFactory
- Hibernate Configuration
- Hibernate Configuration Offline
- Hibernate with HBM
- Hibernate with Annotation
- Hibernate Validator
- Hibernate CRUD
- Hibernate Association Mapping
- One to One Mapping
- One to ManyMapping
- Many to OneMapping
- Many to Many Mapping
- Hibernate Aggregation
- Hibernate Named Queries
- Hibernate Native SQL
- HQL- Hibernate Query Language
- Hibernate HCQL- Criteria Query Language
- Hibernate Application with Mysql DB-CRUD
- save(), saveOrUpdate(), update(), persist() and merge()
- get() and load()
- Hibernate vs. JPA
- Hibernate Application with Mysql DB, JSP-User Interface-CRUD
Section 2: Spring Framework
- Spring Framework Introduction
- Spring Basics
- Inversion of Control
- Dependency Injection
- Beans Scope
- Singleton
- Prototype
- Request
- Session
- Global-Session
- Auto wiring
- Spring Annotations
Section 3: Spring MVC
- Spring MVC Basics
- Spring MVC Hello World Application
- Spring MVC Restful Web Services Basics
- Spring MVC without Maven
- Spring MVC with Maven
- Maven basics
- Spring MVC Application Deployment
- Spring MVC Application Deployment Log files
- Spring MVC WAR File Creation Steps
- Spring, Hibernate, Mysql, Maven- CRUD Operation
- Java, Spring, Spring Security, Algorithm, Hibernate, Maven, Mysql IntegrationApplication
- Modules-
- Customer Login
- Add Customer
- Edit Customer Information
- Delete Customer
- View Customer List
- Roles
- Admin Role
- DBA Role
- User Role
- Password Encryption by using Spring Security Algorithm
- Remember Me Functionality
Section 4: Spring Security
- Spring Security Basics
- Spring Security Features
- Spring Security Authentication
- Spring Security Encryption
- Password Encryption by using Spring Security
- Spring Security Login Form
- Spring Security Authentication
- Spring Security Maven Dependency
- Spring Security CRUD- Signup and Login Application
Section 5: Spring Boot
- Boot Basics
- Why Spring Boot
- Spring Boot Features Spring Boot Introduction
- Spring
- Main Goal of Spring Boot
- Creating Project- Spring Initializer
- Spring Boot Hello World Application
- Spring Boot Devtool Dependency- Spring Boot – How to Reload Changes Without Restarting the
- Server
- Spring Boot Actuator
- Spring Boot Build Systems
- Spring Boot Code Structure
- Spring Boot Runners
- Spring Boot Tomcat Port Number
- Spring Boot with RESTFul Service
- Spring Boot with Logger
- Deploy Spring Boot Applications on External Tomcat Server
- Spring Boot – Common Application Properties (application.properties)
- Spring Boot, Hibernate with RESTFul Web Service
- Spring Boot, Spring Data with RESTFul Web Service
- Spring Boot, Hibernate CRUD Application
- Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD Application
- Spring Boot, Spring- JDBCTemplate CRUD
- Spring Boot, Hibernate, MySQL, Project Lombok CRUD Application
- Spring Boot with XML Payload using Postman API
- Spring Boot with JSON Payload using Postman API
- Spring Boot CORS Support
- Java QR Code Generator Basics
- Spring Boot QR Code Generator Hands on Session
- Spring Boot QR Code Reader Hands on Session
Section 6: Spring Data- JPA
- Spring Data JPA Basics
- Spring Data JPA Introduction
- Spring Data JPA Architecture
- Spring Data JPA application.properties file
- JPA Repository
- CRUD Repository
- Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA CRUD using Postman API
- Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Project Lombok CRUD using Postman API Hands on Session
Section 7: JUnit- Mockito Framework
Section 8: Spring- JDBC Template
- Spring JDBCTemplate Introduction
- RowMapper
- Builder
- Spring Boot, JDBCTemplate using Postman API Hands on Session
- SOAP Web Service
- RESTful Web Service
- Singleton Design Pattern
- Builder Design Pattern
- Factory Pattern
- Abstract Factory Pattern
- Prototype Pattern
- Facade Pattern
- Adapter Pattern
- Filter Pattern
- Composite Pattern
- Decorator Pattern
- Proxy Pattern
- Iterator Pattern
- Bridge Pattern
- Flyweight Pattern
- MVC Pattern
- Microservices Introduction
- Microservices Architecture
- Microservices Project Structure
- Microservices Frameworks
- Spring Boot with Microservices Basics
- Spring Boot with Microservices Coding Standards
- Spring Boot with Microservices Builder Design Pattern
- Spring Boot with Microservices QR Code Generator
- Spring Boot, Hibernate, Maven, MySQL CRUD Application- POSTMAN API
- Spring Boot, Spring Data- JPA, Maven, MySQL CRUD Application- POSTMAN API
- Spring Boot, Spring Data- JDBCTemplate, Maven, MySQL CRUD Application
- Spring Boot, ORM, Microservices with Project Lombok
- Spring Boot, CORS, Spring Data[JDBCTemplate], Microservices CRUD with Project Lombok using React JS
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- Payment Gateway Integration
- Domain and Hosting
- Website Deployment and Go Live
- React JS Basics
- React JS Features
- React JS Setup and Hello World Application
- React JS JSX
- React JS Component
- React JS State
- React JS Props
- React JS Constructor
- React JS Lifecycle
- React JS Events
- React JS Router
- React JS Forms
- React JS Tables
- React JS Portals
- React JS ES6
- React JS CSS
- React JS Hook
- React JS and Back End Integration
- React JS Using Back End CRUD Application
- React JS, JDK 1.8, Spring Boot, Hibernate, Maven, MySQL, Microservices, Project Lombok- Project Implementation
- Jenkin
- Postman API Testing Tool
- Maven
- Junit
- JUnit- Mockito
- JDK 1.8.0
- Eclipse
- Apache Tomcat
- Apache Maven
- SQLYog
- Maven
- Sublime
- HTTracker
- Bracket
- Atom
- Visual Studio
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